Continuity of Service During COVID-19

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Preferred Alliance, Inc. has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the safety of our staff, participants and vendors, Preferred Alliance, Inc. has moved to promote and enable social distancing and requiring face covering for anyone in or coming into our office. We reduced staff in our office locations by allowing certain high-risk staff members to continue to work from home (WFH).

Also, we are committed to maintaining the highest level of professionalism as we work to continue service to our clients. All of our actions are intended to keep potentially sick people away from our office locations so that it will remain safe for those who must continue to report to our office locations to do their jobs. This will include our onsite staff as well.

Preferred Alliance, Inc. has several policies in place to address the ongoing COVID-19 vigil. Our staff remains readily available to continue providing customer service from home or in our offices. We will use secure remote capabilities using our company network to access all required systems including the ability to take participant calls.

  • We are following CDC, State, and County guidelines.
  • No one with any symptoms of a cold, flu, allergies, fever, or ANY OTHER ILLNESS, is permitted inside our offices at any time.
  • All internal face-to-face group meetings are to be minimized, held in workspaces that allow for appropriate social distancing, or conducted by phone or alternative remote technology.
  • Our office building will remain open as long as no one has ANY symptoms and is not known to have been exposed – unless directed/requested to close by the state and/or federal government.
  • We are providing opportunities for our staff to receive the vaccine upon their request to obtain it.

For our clients, we are committed to keeping our services up and running and to continue to provide the excellent customer service that you expect of us and that we expect of ourselves.

We appreciate your support and confidence. We will continue to provide updates as the situation develops.


Respectfully submitted,

Preferred Alliance, Inc. Management